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Ashwagandha根在印度草藥醫學中已經使用了3,000多年,作為對無數問題的自然療法。 多年以來,我們已經看到了非洲醉茄的好處似乎是無窮無盡的,如果使用得當,它具有許多積極的作用,而沒有已知的副作用。

ashwagandha植物的根是最強大的部分,以降低壓力水平而聞名。 But the benefits really span all different conditions that impact many lives on a daily basis.但是好處確實涵蓋了每天影響許多生命的所有不同條件。 Here is a summary of some of the main health benefits of ashwagandha.這是ashwagandha的一些主要健康益處的摘要。


Any kind of stress, whether it's physical or mental, can result in feelings of anxiety and nervousness.任何形式的壓力,無論是身體上的還是精神上的壓力,都可能導致焦慮和緊張感。 Stress affects our ability to deal with life;壓力會影響我們應對生活的能力; it affects our immune system and our brain.它影響我們的免疫系統和我們的大腦。 It makes sense that we'd feel better if we could better handle stress.如果能夠更好地應對壓力,我們會感覺更好。 And research has confirmed what traditional healers have known: that ashwagandha has benefits for stress and anxiety.研究證實了傳統治療師所知道的:ashwagandha對緩解壓力和焦慮有好處。 Ashwagandha has been shown to promote healthy levels of cortisol and the healthy inflammatory processes that are stimulated in the response to stress.南非醉茄已顯示出促進健康的皮質醇水平和對壓力的反應所刺激的健康的炎症過程。


Ashwagandha還具有驚人的刺激免疫系統和減少炎症的能力。 ashwagandha中的類固醇成分已顯示出比氫化可的松更強的抗炎作用。 That goes for acute inflammation as well as chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.這適用於急性炎症以及類風濕關節炎等慢性疾病。


Many studies show that ashwagandha is very effective at supporting memory and brain function.許多研究表明,ashwagandha在支持記憶和大腦功能方面非常有效。 It has been shown to slow, stop, or reverse the inflammation of nerves seen in brain degeneration.它已經顯示出可以減緩,停止或逆轉在大腦變性中看到的神經發炎。 Using it proactively can help support your brain function and increase your odds of preventing neurodegeneration.主動使用它可以幫助支持您的大腦功能,並增加預防神經變性的機率。 Plus, its ability to reduce anxiety and improve sleep, in turn, improves brain function and therefore memory.另外,它減少焦慮和改善睡眠的能力進而改善了大腦功能,從而改善了記憶力。


Ashwagandha可幫助增加健康人和高血糖患者的胰島素敏感性。 Numerous studies have found the root helps normalise blood sugar by reducing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity.大量研究發現,該根可通過減少炎症和改善胰島素敏感性來幫助血糖正常化。 As an added bonus numerous studies have also shown that ashwagandha was able to significantly decrease total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides in diabetic patients, so the benefits are multifold.作為一項額外的好處,許多研究還表明,ashwagandha能夠顯著降低糖尿病患者的總膽固醇,LDL和甘油三酸酯,因此其益處是多重的。

Ashwagandha確實具有一些神奇的特性,可以幫助您改善身心健康。 This is why at Anxt we have formulated the best herbal blends that include ashwagandha through our range, including our這就是為什麼在Anxt我們配製了包括我們的產品系列在內的最好的草藥混合物,包括ashwagandha 焦慮日間噴霧焦慮夜膠囊.