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Anxiety can be difficult to live with.焦慮可能難以忍受。 But there are many natural ways to deal with it.但是有很多自然的方法可以解決它。 

Can't sleep?睡不著Short of breath?氣短? Nauseous?噁心嗎Stressed?有壓力嗎Having dark or negative thoughts?有否消極或消極的想法? Feeling like no matter what you do, you are無論您做什麼都感覺自己 只是不夠好?

那就是焦慮。 而且你並不孤單。 

When you're stressed and anxious, daily situations can seem impossible to handle.當您感到壓力和焦慮時,似乎無法處理日常情況。 And the sad truth is that, as women, we are almost twice as likely to be affected by anxiety than men.可悲的事實是,作為女性,我們受焦慮困擾的可能性幾乎是男性的兩倍。 We like to think that perhaps this has something to do with women maturing faster, meaning we're more aware of the world at an earlier age.我們想認為這可能與更快成熟的女性有關,這意味著我們更早地了解了這個世界。 

凱蒂·李爾 焦慮治療師,說:

Anxiety can hold young women back from really enjoying life to the fullest.焦慮會使年輕女性無法真正享受生活,從而無法充分享受生活。 Women struggling with social anxiety may call out sick from school and social events more than their peers, which can lead to falling behind in class or being out of the loop socially.遭受社交焦慮困擾的女性比其他同齡人更容易在學校和社交活動中大聲疾呼,這可能導致在課堂上落後或在社交場合陷入困境。 This, in turn, can lead to even more anxiety, creating a vicious cycle.反過來,這可能導致更大的焦慮感,從而形成惡性循環。

So whether you're in high school, college or in the early stages of your professional career, chances are you may suffer from a bit of anxiety from time to time.因此,無論您是在高中,大學還是職業生涯的早期階段,都有可能不時遭受一點焦慮。 Especially if you tend to overthink.尤其是如果您想得太多。


讓我們從定義問題開始。 焦慮是您身體對壓力的自然反應。 When you're in a stressful situation, anxiety presents itself as fear or apprehension.當您處於壓力狀態時,焦慮會表現為恐懼或憂慮。 

Many things can induce stress and anxiety, but unknown, uncertain or new situations can have a more immediate effect.許多事情都會引起壓力和焦慮,但是未知,不確定或新的情況會產生更直接的影響。 So it's no surprise that situations such as moving to a different city or country, an important talk with a partner or even losing your job can make you feel anxious.因此,移居到不同城市或國家,與合作夥伴進行重要談話,甚至丟掉工作等情況都會使您感到焦慮,這並不奇怪。 



女性的焦慮症狀取決於 焦慮類型 您會遭受痛苦,並且會因您所處的狀況而異,並且因人而異。 


  • 肌肉緊張
  • 抑鬱的想法,態度或行為
  • 記憶力差或註意力不集中
  • 敦促飲酒或吸毒
  • 情緒波動
  • 憤怒,敵對或消極的思維方式
  • 增加心臟率
  • 氣短
  • 躁動
  • 不規律的睡眠方式和疲勞
  • 高血壓
  • 噩夢或驚恐發作
  • 普遍的恐懼感

If the anxiety is ordinary (meaning it comes and goes without interfering with your everyday life) the symptoms tend to be milder.如果焦慮是平常的(意味著焦慮在不影響您的日常生活的情況下出現和消失),則症狀通常會較輕。 But if the feelings of apprehension or fear are stronger and the anxiety presents itself as a disorder, it can have crippling effects in a woman's life.但是,如果恐懼或恐懼的感覺更強烈,而焦慮則表現為一種疾病,則可能對女性的生活造成嚴重的影響。 

Carla Marie Manly博士, 臨床心理學家,說:

Chronic anxiety is destructive as it causes physical and mental distress.慢性焦慮症具有破壞性,因為它會導致身心困擾。 [It] can disrupt daily life, sleep, and also cause significant health issues in the long term.從長遠來看,它可能會破壞日常生活,睡眠並導致嚴重的健康問題。 Research shows that chronic anxiety is linked to a variety of health issues including diabetes, strokes, and various cardiac conditions.研究表明,慢性焦慮症與多種健康問題有關,包括糖尿病,中風和各種心臟疾病。


The bad news is that chronic anxiety can be extremely damaging for your body's health.壞消息是,慢性焦慮症可能嚴重損害您的身體健康。 But the good news is that there are natural ways (no medication necessary!) to但好消息是,有自然的方法(無需藥物!) 應對壓力和焦慮 讓您充分享受生活。


Not all anxiety remedies have to include medication or drugs.並非所有的焦慮療法都必須包括藥物或藥物。 If your anxiety levels aren't crippling and you don't need to see a doctor for brain chemistry issues, then you can treat anxiety with natural remedies that will help calm you down.如果您的焦慮程度沒有下降,並且您不需要就腦化學問題去看醫生,那麼您可以使用自然療法來治療焦慮症,這可以幫助您平靜下來。 



Though it may sound far fetched, meditation can help you turn off your anxiety and gain control of your emotions.雖然聽起來可能有些牽強,但冥想可以幫助您消除焦慮並控制情緒。 Deep breathing techniques, accompanied by relaxing music and an inward thought journey may help you find the root of your anxiety and enable you to treat it from the very source.深呼吸技術,伴隨輕鬆的音樂和內向的思維之旅,可以幫助您找到焦慮的根源,並從根本上治療焦慮。

2。 避免酒精

If you feel like grabbing a drink to take the edge off a stressful day, we're here to tell you it might not be the best of ideas.如果您想喝點飲料來度過緊張的一天,我們在這裡告訴您這可能不是最好的主意。 Alcohol can act as a stimulant when taken in small doses - acting as the buzz you're looking for - but if taken in large quantities, it turns around and acts as a depressant.少量服用時,酒精可以起到刺激作用-就像您要尋找的嗡嗡聲-但是,大量服用時,酒精會轉而起到抑製作用。 This is the last thing you need when dealing with anxiety and stress, as it can mess with your mood and overall balance.這是處理焦慮和壓力時需要的最後一件事,因為它可能會破壞您的情緒​​和整體平衡。



Caffeine stimulates your brain and body.咖啡因刺激您的大腦和身體。 But if you're already stressed, short of breath and anxious, then drinking coffee is like pouring gasoline into a fire.但是,如果您已經感到壓力,呼吸急促和焦慮,那麼喝咖啡就像將汽油倒入火中。 Swap caffeinated drinks for water, herbal teas or natural juices - they'll keep you hydrated and energised without tripping your internal wires.將含咖啡因的飲料換成水,涼茶或天然果汁-它們可以使您保持水分和精力充沛,而不會絆倒內部電線。

4。 戒菸

The more stressed you are, the more you smoke.您壓力越大,吸煙就越多。 It's a vicious cycle where no one comes out a winner.這是一個無人問津的惡性循環。 Plus, like alcohol, nicotine can act as a stimulant, leading to energy crashes and low mood swings.另外,像酒精一樣,尼古丁會起到刺激作用,導致能量崩潰和情緒低落。 Even though a quick smoke can seem like the perfect way to de-stress, it's actually better to put out the cigarette and take up healthier habits.即使快速抽煙似乎是減輕壓力的完美方法,實際上最好還是抽煙並養成更健康的習慣。

5。 行使!

Aside from keeping you fit and healthy, exercise helps release endorphins.除了保持身體健康,運動還可以釋放內啡肽。 It's also a great way to take the edge off the day, stop your mind from overthinking and tire you out enough to get a good night's sleep.這也是放鬆一天的好方法,阻止您的思想過多思考,讓您感到疲倦,讓您睡個好覺。 Boxing, yoga, running, CrossFit, dancing - all of these拳擊,瑜伽,跑步,運動量來找到,跳舞-所有這些 鍛煉對治療焦慮症很有幫助 以自然的方式


We know.我們知道。 It isn't that simple.這不是那麼簡單。 And if you could fix this, you would.如果您可以解決此問題,則可以。 But lack of sleep can affect your body's main functions, as well as cause stress and anxiety.但是睡眠不足會影響身體的主要功能,並引起壓力和焦慮。 If you're having too much trouble sleeping, try creating a soothing routine before going to bed.如果您在睡眠方面有太多麻煩,請嘗試在睡覺前創建一個舒緩的程序。 Avoid working until late hours of the night or watching TV.避免工作到深夜或看電視。 Read a book, listen to relaxing music, take a bath, or meditate.讀書,聽輕鬆的音樂,洗澡或冥想。 Try to wind down at least 60 minutes before the hour you want to be asleep by.嘗試在想要入睡的時間之前至少XNUMX分鐘放鬆一下。 

如果您在睡眠方面有太多麻煩,建議您嘗試一下 焦慮夜膠囊。 Made with a unique formula composed of natural plant extracts, they will help you achieve the best of dreams, preparing you for a comforting night of restoring sleep.由天然植物提取物製成的獨特配方製成,它們將幫助您實現最佳夢境,為您恢復睡眠的舒適夜晚做好準備。 


The balance between mind and body is essential to deal with stress and avoid anxiety.身心之間的平衡對於應對壓力和避免焦慮至關重要。 Eating healthy, avoiding refined sugars, drinking enough water, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep are the magic keys to a life free of anxiety.健康飲食,避免吃精製糖,喝足夠的水,有規律的鍛煉和充足的睡眠是無憂生活的魔術鑰匙。 Also, remember to always make time for fun activities that make your life enjoyable.另外,請記住總是花時間進行一些有趣的活動,使您的生活變得愉快。


Aromatherapy is a popular technique that uses essential oils to promote health, well-being and a sense of calmness.香薰療法是一種流行的技術,它使用精油促進健康,幸福和平靜感。 Aromatherapy can help you relax, sleep and even reduce your heart rate.香薰療法可以幫助您放鬆,入睡,甚至可以降低心率。 

Caleb Backe,來自 楓木整體,說“精油既能促進褪黑激素的產生,又能使人全面放鬆。” Some of the most common essential oils for reducing anxiety are bergamot, lavender, lemon, mint, tea tree and ylang-ylang.一些最常見的減輕焦慮的精油是佛手柑,薰衣草,檸檬,薄荷,茶樹和依蘭。 If you're willing to try aromatherapy, our如果您願意嘗試芳香療法,我們的 焦慮日間噴霧 含有令人放鬆的植物提取物的鎮靜混合物,包括檸檬香脂-薄荷家族的多年生草本植物。


Doing something you love can help get your mind off things that are bothering or stressing you out.做自己喜歡的事情可以幫助您擺脫困擾或壓力大的事情。 Music, reading, painting, dancing, taking photographs - whatever makes you happy!音樂,閱讀,繪畫,跳舞,拍照-使您快樂的一切! Go out with your friends, hug your loved ones, take some time to be with your family.和你的朋友出去,擁抱親人,花一些時間和家人在一起。 Fill up your time with something you love, calm your mind and enjoy a life free of anxiety.用自己喜歡的東西充實自己的時間,讓自己平靜下來,享受無憂的生活。


You can combat stress and anxiety with specialised products that help alleviate stress and calm your mind.您可以使用專門的產品來緩解壓力和焦慮,這些產品可以幫助緩解壓力並使您的心靈平靜。 Our我們的 Anxt白天Spray is formulated with a blend made of 100% natural plant extracts, including medicinal herbs such as ashwagandha, lemon balm, l-theanine (from tea leaves), GABA amino-acid, and Rhodiola Rosea.由XNUMX%天然植物提取物製成的混合物配製而成,其中包括藥用草藥,如ashwagandha,檸檬香脂,l-茶氨酸(來自茶葉),GABA氨基酸和Rhodiola Rosea。 This mixture can help your body這種混合物可以幫助您的身體 以100%自然的方式管理壓力,對抗和應對焦慮

記住我們也有我們的 焦慮夜膠囊,旨在幫助您睡個好覺。 Or if you want to try them all, then our或者,如果您想嘗試所有這些,那麼我們的 焦慮白天和黑夜包 包括針對360º自然解決方案以實現平靜狀態的兩種補救措施。 

Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of.焦慮無愧。 We've all been stressed out, doubted ourselves or felt like we're caught in an impossible situation.我們都感到壓力,懷疑自己或感到陷入了不可能的境地。 But the important thing to remember is that there are ways to deal with anxiety and cope with stress.但是要記住的重要一點是,有一些方法可以應對焦慮並應對壓力。 And remember: you are not alone.請記住:您並不孤單。 And you've got this.而且你有這個。