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壓力可以是 定義 表示由於無法控制的壓力而感到不知所措或無法應付的程度。 


At the most basic level, stress is our body's response to pressures from a situation or life event.在最基本的水平上,壓力是我們身體對來自情況或生活事件的壓力的反應。 What contributes to stress can vary hugely from person to person and differs according to our social and economic circumstances, the environment we live in and our genetic makeup.導致壓力的因素因人而異,並且根據我們的社會和經濟狀況,我們所居住的環境和我們的基因組成而有所不同。 Some common features of things that can make us feel stress include experiencing something new or unexpected, something that threatens your feeling of self, or feeling you have可能使我們感到壓力的事物的一些共同特徵包括經歷新事物或意外事物,威脅到自我感覺的事物或感覺自己擁有 對情況的控制很少。

生活中的一點壓力 can be manageable.可以管理。 Sometimes it may even be beneficial.有時甚至可能是有益的。 If it occurs too often, then it can also start wearing you down physically and mentally.如果它發生得太頻繁,那麼它也可能開始使您身心疲憊。

There are several ways that you can start to manage the stressful events that occur in your life.您可以通過多種方式來管理生活中發生的壓力事件。 Before that becomes a possibility, it is essential that you know what the symptoms of stress are so that you can recognise when they occur.在這成為可能之前,至關重要的是您知道壓力的症狀是什麼,以便您可以識別何時出現壓力。



When you feel stressed, you may experience many different feelings, including anxiety, fear, anger, sadness or frustration.當您感到壓力時,您可能會遇到許多不同的感覺,包括焦慮,恐懼,憤怒,悲傷或沮喪。 These feelings can sometimes feed on each other and produce physical symptoms.這些感覺有時會相互影響並產生身體症狀。

Work-related stress can also have negative impacts on mental health.與工作有關的壓力也可能對心理健康產生負面影響。 Work-related stress accounts for an average of 23.9 days of work lost for every person affected.與工作有關的壓力使每個受影響的人平均失去XNUMX天的工作。


When you feel stressed, you may behave differently.當您感到壓力時,您的行為可能會有所不同。 For example, you may become withdrawn, indecisive or inflexible.例如,您可能變得孤僻,優柔寡斷或不靈活。 You may not be able to sleep properly or become irritable or tearful.您可能無法正確入睡或變得煩躁或流淚。 Stress can make you feel angrier or more aggressive than normal.壓力會使您感到比平時更生氣或更激進。 Stress can also affect the way we interact with our friends or family.壓力還會影響我們與朋友或家人互動的方式。


When stressed, some people can start to experience headaches, nausea and indigestion.感到壓力時,有些人會開始出現頭痛,噁心和消化不良。 You may breathe and perspire more, have palpitations or suffer from various aches and pains.您可能會呼吸和出汗更多,心或遭受各種疼痛。 You will quickly return to normal without any negative effects if what is stressing you is short-lived, and many people are able to deal with a certain level of stress without any lasting adverse effects.如果短期內壓力過大,您將很快恢復正常,而沒有任何負面影響,而且許多人能夠承受一定程度的壓力而沒有任何持久的不利影響。 


All of us can recognise at least some of the feelings described above and may have felt stressed and overwhelmed at some time or another.我們所有人至少可以認識到上述某些感覺,並且可能在某個時間或其他時間感到壓力和不知所措。 Some people seem to be more affected by stress than others.有些人似乎比其他人受壓力影響更大。

For some people, getting out of the door on time each morning can be a very stressful experience.對於某些人來說,每天早上準時出門可能是非常緊張的經歷。 Whereas others may be able to cope with a great deal of pressure.而其他人也許能夠應付很大的壓力。 


There are some actions that you can take as an individual to manage the immediate, sometimes unpleasant, signs of stress and identify, reduce and remove stressful factors that may cause you to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.作為個人,您可以採取一些行動來管理壓力的即時表現,有時甚至是令人不快的跡象,並識別,減少和消除可能使您感到不知所措且無法應付的壓力因素。 If you feel comfortable, talking to a friend or close colleague at work about your feelings can help you manage your stress.如果您感到舒適,可以在工作中與朋友或親密同事談談您的感受可以幫助您緩解壓力。


  • 意識到是什麼原因導致問題並確定原因。 It is important not to ignore physical warning signs such as tense muscles, feeling over-tired, and experiencing headaches or migraines.重要的是不要忽視身體上的警告信號,例如緊張的肌肉,過度勞累,頭痛或偏頭痛。 Once you have recognised you are experiencing stress, try to identify the underlying causes.認識到壓力後,請嘗試找出根本原因。 Take control by taking small steps towards the things you can improve.通過朝著可以改進的地方邁出小步來控制自己。
  • 回顧您的生活方式。 Are you taking on too much?你承擔太多嗎? Are there things you are doing which could be handed over to someone else?您正在做的事情可以移交給其他人嗎? You may need to prioritise things you are trying to achieve and organise your life so that you are not trying to do everything at once.您可能需要優先考慮要實現的事情並組織生活,以便不要一次完成所有事情。
  • 建立支持關係。 Finding close friends or family who can offer help and advise can support you in managing stress.尋找可以提供幫助和建議的親密朋友或家人可以幫助您緩解壓力。 Joining a club, enrolling on a course or volunteering can all be good ways of encouraging you to do something different.加入俱樂部,參加課程或參加志願服務都是鼓勵您做不同事情的好方法。
  • 試試Anxt Day and Night Pack。 減輕壓力的方法之一是使用最佳的純天然產品,以緩解與壓力有關的症狀。 焦慮白天和黑夜包 由我們的Anxt日間噴霧劑和Anxt夜間膠囊組成,這些產品旨在使您白天保持覆蓋狀態,並幫助您在晚上睡個好覺。
  • 不要對自己太苛刻。 Try to keep things in perspective!嘗試保持觀點正確! Look for things in your life that are positive and write things down that make you feel grateful.尋找生活中積極的事情,並寫下讓您感到感恩的事情。
  • If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, seeking professional help can support you in managing effectively.如果您仍然感到壓力重重,尋求專業幫助可以支持您進行有效管理。 Do not be afraid to seek professional help if you feel that you are no longer able to manage things on your own.如果您覺得自己無法再自行管理,請不要害怕尋求專業幫助。