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If you are experiencing anxiety, then you are not alone.如果您感到焦慮,那麼您並不孤單。 Millions of people around the world each year struggle with the stress and worries that life brings their way.每年,全世界有數百萬人在生活所帶來的壓力和擔憂中掙扎。












  • 感到不安或擔心
  • 注意力不集中或睡覺困難
  • 頭暈 or 心悸




An obsession is an unwelcome thought or image that you keep thinking about and is largely out of your control.痴迷是您不停思索的不受歡迎的想法或形象,在很大程度上無法控制。 These can be difficult to ignore.這些可能很難忽略。 These thoughts can be disturbing, which can make you feel distressed and anxious.這些想法可能令人不安,這會讓您感到苦惱和焦慮。

Compulsion is something you think about or do repeatedly to relieve anxiety.強迫是您考慮或反复做以減輕焦慮的事情。 This can be hidden or obvious.這可能是隱藏的,也可能是顯而易見的。 Such as saying a phrase in your head to calm yourself.例如在腦海裡說一個短語以使自己平靜。 Or checking that the front door is locked.或檢查前門是否已鎖定。

You might believe that something bad will happen if you do not do these things.您可能會相信,如果不執行這些操作,將會發生不好的事情。 You may realise that your thinking and behaviour is not logical but still find it very difficult to stop.您可能會意識到自己的思維和行為是不合邏輯的,但仍然很難停止。


  • 污染–由於某物或某人被污染,需要清潔和清洗
  • 檢查–經常需要檢查自己或周圍環境,以防止損壞,火災,洩漏或傷害
  • 侵入性思想–反复,令人沮喪且經常令人恐懼的思想
  • 積–不能丟掉無用或磨損的物品

Speak to your GP if you think you have OCD.如果您認為自己患有強迫症,請與您的全科醫生談談。 They should discuss treatment options with you.他們應該與您討論治療方案。



Panic disorder results in regular panic attacks with no particular trigger.恐慌症會導致規律性的恐慌發作,而沒有特定的誘因。 They can happen suddenly and feel intense and frightening, it is also possible to dissociate during panic attacks.它們可能突然發生,並感到緊張和恐懼,也有可能在驚恐發作時解散。 You may also worry about having another panic attack.您可能還擔心再次發生恐慌發作。

Certain situations can cause panic attacks, for example, if you don't like small spaces but have to use a lift.某些情況可能會引起恐慌發作,例如,如果您不喜歡狹小的空間而必須乘電梯。 This doesn't mean that you have a panic disorder.這並不意味著您患有恐慌症。


  • 壓倒性的恐懼或恐懼感
  • 胸痛或心臟不規則跳動的感覺
  • 感覺自己可能快要死了或心髒病發作
  • 出汗和潮熱,或發冷顫抖
  • 口乾,呼吸急促或窒息感
  • 噁心,頭暈和頭暈
  • 手指麻木,手指和針刺或刺痛感
  • 需要去廁所
  • 肚子不舒服
  • 耳鳴




Symptoms can include having traumatic memories or dreams, avoiding things that remind you of the event, not being able to sleep and feeling anxious.症狀可能包括具有創傷性的回憶或夢想,避免使您聯想起事件的事物,無法入睡和感到焦慮。 You may feel isolated and withdrawn您可能會感到孤獨和孤單

Many people have some symptoms of trauma after a traumatic event.許多人在發生創傷事件後會有一些創傷症狀。 But for most people, these go away with time and do not develop into PTSD.但是對於大多數人來說,這些會隨著時間的流逝而消失,不會發展為PTSD。 PTSD can be treated with therapy創傷後應激障礙可以通過治療來治療



You will have upsetting thoughts about the way you look if you have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD.) The thoughts don't go away and have a big effect on daily life.如果您患有身體畸形障礙(BDD),您將對自己的外表產生煩惱的想法。這些想法不會消失,並且會對日常生活產生重大影響。 This is not the same as being vain about your appearance.這與徒勞無禮是不同的。 You may believe that you are ugly and that everyone sees you as ugly, even if they reassure you that this isn't true.您可能會認為自己很醜陋,即使每個人都向您保證這不是事實,但每個人都認為您很醜陋。 Or you may believe that people are focused on an area of your body such as scar or birthmark.或者,您可能會相信人們專注於您身體的某個區域,例如疤痕或胎記。 It can be very distressing and lead to這可能非常令人沮喪,並導致 抑鬱.


  • 盯著鏡子裡的臉或身體
  • 與他人比較您的功能
  • 用大量化妝品遮蓋自己
  • 關於整形外科的思考

If you struggle with one of these anxiety disorders or believe that you may experience symptoms, then you should speak with your doctor or a medical professional about your situation.如果您患有這些焦慮症之一或認為自己可能出現症狀,則應與您的醫生或醫療專業人員談談您的情況。 There are active steps that you can take under their care that can reduce the intensity of your worrisome feelings.在他們的照顧下,您可以採取一些積極的步驟,這些步驟可以減輕您的擔憂情緒。

要考慮的另一種選擇是使用可以立即緩解急性焦慮感的產品。 焦慮症 被設計包含所有關鍵成份,可以幫助放鬆和緩解壓力和焦慮思想的症狀。


If you struggle with the symptoms of anxiety right now, then seek out help for the stress that you feel.如果您現在正忍受焦慮症狀,請尋求幫助以減輕您的壓力。 Don't let an anxiety disorder be the definition of who you are.不要讓焦慮症成為你的定義。